Exploring the Art of Sleep: Is there a superior sleep position?

When it comes to sleep, most of us could use more. And we are looking for any edge we can get to fall asleep easier, and to sleep more soundly. 

Which sleep position is the best? Should I get a new mattress? What kind of pillow will help my neck?

Photo by DANNY G on Unsplash

We hear these questions a lot- often when someone comes to our Spears Strong lab feeling like they slept wrong or they just can’t find that sweet sleeping spot. 

Every month we focus on a different aspect of health and fitness and this month our focus is Sleep. We work individually and in groups to help Spears Strongers (our clients) implement quality sleep solutions and develop healthy sleep routines. Part of what we do as trainers and coaches is educate our clients on sleep (and all aspects of health and fitness). We are always researching and exploring how we can all feel better and live our best lives. 

When it comes to the best sleep position, little research has been done. But our physical health and sleep, as well as our mental health and sleep, go hand in hand. Your muscles recover when you are sleeping and your brain requires sleep to reset and make important connections. Adults need 7-9 hours of quality sleep a night to get these benefits. (on average - no one’s sleep is perfect)

This article from the BBC does an excellent job of pulling together what research has been done about the best sleep sleep positions. Want to reduce heartburn at night? Try sleeping on your left side. Looking for a snoring solution? Maybe don’t sleep on your back. And it even talks about avoiding wrinkles by not sleeping on your stomach. 

It’s great information and the advice at the end is superb. If you want to try a new sleep position for any reason, keep a diary and see if it helps you. The thing you don’t want to do is obsess about the perfect sleep position, try to do it and then in turn get no sleep. 

Another highlight from the article and where we’d like to add a little commentary is the point that children do not have preferred sleep positions. They sleep in every position! Why? Because children have not yet developed all the pain and dysfunction that our modern world and a life of work, stress and repetitive motions puts on our bodies. 

Rather than worrying about the best sleep position, our suggestion is to work on the achy neck, obstructed breathing or stressful thoughts that are keeping you up at night. Then you can sleep in whatever position your body is digging -like a kid! In fact, our bodies were made to move in all directions and so they are also made to sleep in all positions. And if you’re really worried about wrinkles, try cold showers.

At Spears Strong our quality sleep solutions include evening movement targeted to relieve stress in areas of your body from your neck and shoulders to your hips, back and lower legs. We also guide clients on nasal breathing exercises designed to improve breathing and reduce stress. 

The upshot is that it’s better to work on your body and your brain than to try and force a sleep position that could end up leaving you sleep deprived and frustrated. And, if you’re feeling good then you can play around with the different sleep positions, take some notes and see if anything changes! 

Want help improving your sleep and your overall health and fitness? Check out our website with all our options and contact us here to schedule a consultation and learn more!

Shelby Spears is a Health Coach with a background in journalism. Stay tuned for more quality health and fitness tips!

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