Is Health Coaching for you?

  • Feeling uncomfortable in your body?

  • Want to exercise but you never feel motivated? 

  • Tired of starting over, and over and over?

  • Feeling overwhelmed with all the things?

  • Know and want to do some things to improve your health but don’t even have the time to research it or what to believe?

  • Ready to grow, learn and keep getting better?

  • Eager to start reaching your goals and stop putting things off?

    Health Coaching is for you.

You’ve probably heard or read about self-care a lot these days. Maybe you’ve read some books or listened to podcasts. But if you’re struggling to make it work for you. If you still feel overwhelmed, under-motivated and, quite frankly, lost, you’re in the right place. Our Health Coaching programs will take the guess work out of how you can feel better in the moment and daily, have more energy and do the things you know you need to do but just don’t do them. We’re that voice in your head cheering you along (or giving you a little push when you need it). We’re here to remind you how much you want it when you just don’t wanna. We’re also here to help you pursue your true self, stoke that fire you have to challenge yourself and reach new heights.

eager Spears Strong Health Coaches with strong feelings of excitement to guide and support your journey because this is our passion. We’ve done the research so you don’t have to. We’ll bring the enthusiasm. You bring the commitment.

If you’re new, head to our Longstart or Jumpstart pages on how to get started. Process Continuation programs have a prerequisite of completing Longstart or Jumpstart.


Health Coaching Process (continuation)

How it Works

Keep the momentum you’ve created in your Longstart or Jumpstart program going!

  • Weekly Health Coaching sessions (60 min.) w/ tangible worksheets and accountability.

  • 1 Personal Training session (60 min.) to check in on your movement improvement every 5 week cycle.

  • Weekly phone check-ins to keep you on track and motivated. (5-10 min.)

  • All access to our Foundation Program video library

    • Our daily movement routines delivered to your phone.

    • Monthly educational strategies on improving Sleep, Nutrition, Movement, Mindset, Breathing and Getting off the Grid. Check out our Themes of the Month calendar below!

    • Warmups and Cooldowns for all other life activities. 

  • All access to our Movement Improvement Everyday video library. 

    • Over 40 Spears Strong designed progressive training videos delivered to you directly to your phone or device.  

    • Expert cuing for body awareness and easy to follow. 

    • Put your timer, counting, thinking away. All of that’s taken care of for you. 

1x/week $459 every 5 weeks
2x/week $842 every 5 weeks
3x/week $1,224 every 5 weeks

Themes of the Month

Jan:  Sleep

Feb: Mindset Training

March:  Nutrition

April: Breathing

May: Movement Improvement

June: Nutrition

July: Sleep

Aug: Mindset Training

Sept: Nutrition

Oct: Breathing

Nov: Movement Improvement

Dec: Nutrition